Home Attendance

Individual attendance

3 Out of 6 Found Helpful
Posted on 2022-09-27

To take attendance, simply select the date of service, the service which attendance needs to be taken and search for member’s name. Every member of that family is displayed, and attendance can be taken for all or each of them. To take attendance, select the members present and click . If a family member is absent click , the system automatica...

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Bulk attendance

3 Out of 7 Found Helpful
Posted on 2022-09-27

We have categorized attendance taking for big churches and smaller churches. The big churches will be able to take bulk attendance for male, female, children and social media etc. To achieve this, a service date would have to be selected and then manual attendance taken. We have taken into cognisance that attendance is not only for people in ...

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Attendance dashboard

3 Out of 6 Found Helpful
Posted on 2022-09-27

A core application in BethelApp is the attendance tracking system. This helps to show the growth of a church and the application helps to monitor this. To access the attendance dashboard, click on attendance from the menu options. Here, you get to view the attendance of members per services set, you can also view and generate attendance report...

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