Entering manual giving to members

Posted on 2022-09-13 Updated on 2024-02-23

BethelApp has the capability to manually record donations from members, regardless of whether these contributions are made during a service or outside of service times.

To Add a Donation:

Initiate Addition: Click on the "Add Record" button in the member giving section of member details. This action will prompt a pop-up window to appear.

Enter Donation Details: In the pop-up, fill in the necessary details such as the date, the type of giving (Service/Off Service), the service type (e.g., Sunday Service, Bible Study, etc.), the giving category (e.g., Offering, Tithe, etc.), and the amount.

Save and Display: Once the information is entered, the donation will be recorded and visible on the Giving Dashboard for that specific member. Members can view their own giving history when logged into the system.

Corrections and Audit Trail:

The admin has the flexibility to correct entries in manual giving records if mistakes occur. Importantly, the system maintains a history of all changes for auditing purposes, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Searching Donations:

The church can also search for a member’s donations over a specific period or by date, allowing for easy tracking and management of financial contributions.

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