Adding and viewing a member’s document

Posted on 2022-09-13 Updated on 2024-02-23

To Add a Document:

Initiate Document Addition: Click on the "Add Document" tab. This is where you can begin the process of uploading a document for a member.

Upload the Document: Select and upload the document you wish to add. Please note, the maximum file size for any document is 500kb to ensure efficient storage and accessibility.

Save the Document: After selecting the document, ensure to save it. This action logs the document into the member's document page.

Accessing and Managing Documents:

Document Overview: The member document page will display the name of the document, the date it was uploaded, and the file type, providing a clear and concise record of all documents associated with the member.

Viewing and Deletion: From this page, you have the option to view each document in detail or delete it if necessary.

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