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Viewing Registered attendees of an event

3 Out of 6 Found Helpful
Posted on 2022-09-27

Once an Event has been created, members can register or events through the member application. To view the registered attendees, click on the button. This takes you to a page to see all the members that have registered for the event.

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Deleting an event

4 Out of 6 Found Helpful
Posted on 2022-09-27

To delete an event, click on the button, this initiates a confirmation pop-up to request the deletion of the event. Click OK to confirm deletion or cancel to revert. 

Editing an event

4 Out of 5 Found Helpful
Posted on 2022-09-27

To edit an event, click on the button, this initiates a pop-up box where you can edit event information. Click save to confirm edits and changes made will be shown on the dashboard.

Viewing an event

3 Out of 5 Found Helpful
Posted on 2022-09-27

Once an event has been created, this is shown in the upcoming event list. This is them portrayed in the Application dashboard for members to view.

Adding a new event

3 Out of 6 Found Helpful
Posted on 2022-09-27

To create an upcoming event, add the event title, select the time of event, paste online streaming link for members to have viewing access, and add the event message and any additional document if required.

Events dashboard

3 Out of 5 Found Helpful
Posted on 2022-09-27

The Event Section in the application provides churches an avenue to generate and manage upcoming events. These events are linked to the dashboard page which can be view by members as they log into the application. Navigate to the event page by clicking the event menu, and then clicking the event drop down.

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